The Legend ofVibram ® Soles
Excerpted from the Vibram ® website:
In 1935, Vitale Bramani led an expedition into the Italian Alps. The climbers used heavy, hobnailed boots for the approach, but then switched to thin-soled rock climbing boots for the assault. These climbing boots proved fatal when the expedition was hit by thick fog and a blizzard. Six climbers died from frostbite and exposure.
It was this tragic experience that drove Bramani to create an all-purpose climbing sole: lightweight, long-wearing and flexible. He developed rubber compounds with excellent traction and high abrasion resistance. He designed a new lug sole and called it Vibram ®, after his own name.
Vibram ®
soles have gone on to become a legend throughout the world. Yet, the search for better soling products has never stopped. Vibram ®
soles are now found, not only on boots, but on a whole range of fine casual, service and dress footwear. Look for the distinctive Vibram ®
octagon with the Vibram ®
name inside; it's the symbol of excellence.
Today, the Vibram ®
brand is recognized worldwide as the leader in high performance soling products for outdoor, dress casual, and service footwear.
Vibram ®
soles have gone on to conquer Mt. Everest. Indeed since 1962 Vibram ®
soles have been on the shoes of K2 conquerors and still now the interest for the
competitive ascent and researching the Himalayas and on Karakorum is very much alive. Vibram ®
takes part in the expedition organized by the CNR (Italian National Research Council) to reach what many define as "the roof of the world": Everest.
On this mountain, at the altitude of 16,568 feet, is the laboratory "Pyramid Observatory". This facility was created for the purpose of developing high-altitude scientific and technological activities for
testing products and executing medical and physiological research. Vibram ®
had detailed studies done on its new products at the Pyramid.
By relying on the great experience of the mountain-climbers and technicians of world renown laboratories, Vibram ®
conducted tests whose results are considered absolute,
the utmost safety guarantee for mountain- climbers throughout the world.